Our network of web sites have rules to make sure things run smoothly and to keep jackassery to a minimum. Keep in mind these rules apply to every section of Black Bay, not just the forums, and they apply to all sites within NINA & Escargot network - including, but not limited to user profiles, signatures, avatars, chat rooms, and so forth.
These are rules related to chat and chat quotes specifically
These are mostly chat specific rules, keep in mind the General Conduct rules at the beginning of this page also apply here - just because they aren't mentioned against doesn't mean you're exempt.
This service is provided for free to you. We reserve the right to deny the service to anyone, at anytime, for any reason (or no reason) at all.
All information, data, text, music, sound, photographs, video, messages or other content -- whether publicly posted or privately transmitted -- are the sole responsibility of the users from which the content originated. This means that users are responsible for all content that they upload, post, email or otherwise transmit through the site. Black Bay does not control the content posted or sent through the site, therefore we do not guarantee its quality, reliability or accuracy. In participating on the site, users understand that they may be exposed to content or users that they find offensive. Black Bay is not in any way liable for content.
The Black Bay staff can, whenever they feel like it, edit or delete any content displayed on, uploaded to, distributed or otherwise published through the site. Users are entirely responsible and liable for all of their activities on the site. Listed below are some, but not all, violations that may result in termination of a user's access to the site. By using this site, users agree not to do any of the following:
If it's illegal in the United States or European Union, it isn't allowed on Black Bay. This service is provided to you for free (unless you're a paid member), and we reserve the right to deny the service to anyone, at anytime, for any reason (or no reason) at all.